Canadian spousal sponsorship is how a Canadian citizen or permanent resident can sponsor their partner to come to Canada and live permanently. In Canada, we know how important it is for families to be together. For this reason, applications for spousal sponsorship are considered a top priority. Sponsorship applications take approximately 12 months to process from start to finish and they can take longer, depending on the nature of your case.
Conjugal Relationship
The existence of a “conjugal” relationship is an important feature for any spousal relationship. The term “conjugal” describes a marriage-like relationship that a couple, over time, has had exclusive and emotional ties to one another.
Under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, the following relationships are recognized and eligible for sponsorship:
Married Spouse: to qualify for sponsorship, a spouse, must be at least 18 years of age, legally married and not married to someone else. A marriage that takes place outside Canada must be legal in the country where it took place and in Canada. For example, proxy marriages are not recognized in Canada.
Common-Law Partner: to be eligible as common-law partners, you must have lived with your partner in a conjugal relationship for a period of at least one year. The period of cohabitation must be continuous; it cannot be intermittent periods that add up to one year.
Conjugal Partner: This category is for couples who are unable to legally marry or live together continuously for one year due to legal or social obstacles. An example of this is where one partner is married to someone else and living in a country where divorce is not possible.